We are looking forward to receiving your application via our online application portal. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Mitarbeiter:innenrabatt, sowie Friends & Family Rabatt, Verkaufsprovision & erfolgsorientierter Jahresbonus, Mehrstufiges Ausbildungsprogramm für Führungskräfte im Retail, regelmäßige Verkaufs- und Produkttrainings und weitere Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten, Unternehmenswerte, die Fokus auf Kommunikation, Anerkennung und Mitbestimmung legen, Trainings- und Recognition Event für Mitarbeiter:innen, Weihnachts- und Geburtstagsgeschenke, Gemeinschaftsgefühl und lockere Umgangsformen, Employee Assistance Programs, Freizeitangebote in Snowboard, Freeski, Surf, Skateboard
Shop Frankfurt
Ronja Roth
We are looking forward to receiving your application via our online application portal. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Sales Assistant (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Full-time or Part-time
Shop Oberhausen | Germany
Sales Assistant (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
from 30 hours
Shop Frankfurt | Germany
Floor Manager (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Shop Hamburg City | Germany
Floor Manager (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Shop Munich City | Germany
Shop Manager (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Shop Regensburg | Germany
Sales Assistant (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Minijob or Part-time
Shop Regensburg | Germany
Shop Manager (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Shop Oberhausen | Germany
Sales Assistant (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Full-time or Part-time
Shop Nuremberg | Germany
Shop Manager (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Shop Ravensburg | Germany
Shop Manager (m/f/x)
Retail Shops
Shop Münster | Germany